Link audit tool

Supporting SEOs

Supporting the SEO community

At Opphive we always strive to support the wider SEO community in whatever way we can. This includes both supporting those starting out on their SEO journey or helping those who come from communities that aren't represented as well as others in the industry.

Freelancer and Startup support

If you're just starting out on your SEO journey or you're a freelancer looking carefully at the cost of tools each month, talk to us.

For freelancers we can occasionally offer a lower usage and therefore lower cost package that supports you in doing what is right for your clients without paying agency tool pricing and getting a lot more tool than you really need.

If you've decided to take the leap and start out on your own, or founded your first agency and want to make link analysis part of your offering, Opphive offers free access for a few months (on application and approval) to help. Once youve reached a level of growth that supports more tools in your toolkit we can then migrate you up to a full account.

Helping diversity and underrepresentation

As a company we see the inequalities in our industry and we support those trying to bring change to how communities are represented and levelling up access to the tools that help people from those communities grow.

As such we welcome disalogue with anyone who feels access to our tool would help them in their career growth in SEO.

Much love

The Opphive Team

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Opportunity Hive Limited t/a Opphive - Company number 11178260