Link audit tool

Importing non standard data formats into Opphive

Most of the time in Opphive we add link data from known sources with known formats. Most profiles have a mixture of Majestic, Ahrefs and GSC data and our systems understand these data providers and process the files seamlessly.

But sometimes you get handed some link data in a format that is non-standard or has been pre-processed through excel beforehand. In those situations you need to be able to get that data into Opphive as quickly and reliably as possible.

To bring in full link data, we created this simple import template in Google Sheets for you. Just make a copy for yourself.

Import template

Using the template 

To use this template just follow these simple steps: -

  • Click the link and make a copy of the sheet
  • Paste in your data, the only required columns are Domain and Example URL 
  • If you have opinions you can add those in here (remember if you want to do opinions in bulk we suggest you use our Pre-wash feature, this is just if you have a few you want to pull in on initial import)
  • Download the sheet as a CSV and import into Opphive (either as ‘Upload new data’ or as the initial data when creating a new project)

And bang, we are done.. You should see the file as a ‘Decision’ import within the system.

A quick explainer video

Heres a really quick explainer video…

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